9th Plasma School 2024

02 - 05 March 2024
Feature Group Feature



Spring Plasma School at Port Said (EGYPlasma School) is an annual event that targets BSc and MSc students who are interested in or studying plasma physics and plasma applications. Even though all the school material and slides are in English, the lectures are in Arabic. EGYPlasma School is a week of lectures, hands-on computational tutorials, and problem-solving in plasma physics. Moreover, the participants can discover such a fantastic city –Port Said that overlooks Suez Canal and the Mediterranean sea. Participants and speakers are staying in the same resort; thus, the students have an excellent opportunity to ask and discuss the speakers about useful stuff, e.g., academic career, publication, study abroad, and seeking advice for the next step. If you are eligible, don’t miss such an opportunity, and apply before the deadline, 23 Dec 2023 at 23:59:59.

One day conference

The last day of the school is a one day conference, in which MSc students, Ph.D. candidates, and postdocs can present their work. An excellent opportunity to have feedback from attendance on your work. Even though it is a low-stress conference, a contribution certificate will be issued. Attending only the conference is possible if you will give a presentation.

Poster in Arabic

Click to view the Poster


  • Basics of Plasma physics.
  • Space Plasma.
  • Experimental Plasma.
  • Plasma Etching.
  • Plasma Approximation.


  • Physics students, and Engineering students, e.g., nuclear, electrical, or any plasma-related field.
  • 3rd level or above. However, 2nd level students can apply depending on the studied courses.
  • MSc and PhD researcher in Plasma Physics or any discipline related to plasma.
  • Plasma school alumni can attend, but as a self-fund.


  • Amr El-Zant (CTP, British University in Egypt)
  • Azza Talab (Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority, Egypt)
  • Ibrahem Elkamash (Mansoura University, Egypt)
  • Mohamed Ismaiel (Egypt University of Informatics & Zagazig University)
  • Mohammed Shihab (Tanta University)
  • Mohsen Zahran (Mansoura University, Egypt)
  • Mourad Djebli (Uni. of Sci. And Tech. Houari Boumediene, Algeria)
  • Waleed Moslem (Port Said University and BUE)

Organizing committee


View the TimeTable

02 Mar 2024: Opening and Introduction
Opening by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Introduction to plasma physics by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
Ice breaking by EGYPlasma Team (No Slides)

03 Mar 2024: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics & Plasma Applications
From nature to plasma physics by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Introduction to plasma models by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
Low temperature plasma and its applications by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Physics between the beauty of experimentation and the magnificence of ideas by Mohsen Zahran (Slides)
On the self-similar approach to solve differential equations by Mourad Djebli (Slides)
Difference between the plasma in the tokamak, stellarator, and reversed field pinsh (I) by Azza Talab (Slides)
Difference between the plasma in the tokamak, stellarator, and reversed field pinsh (II) by Azza Talab (Slides)
Unlock plasma surprises by Azza Talab (No Slides)

04 Mar 2024: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics & Plasma Applications
Plasma in the earth's ionosphere by Mourad Djebli (Slides)
Quantum plasma by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Rogue waves from optics and oceanography to plasma physics by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
Dense plasma focus and its applications by Mohamed Ismaiel (Slides)
Turbulence, with applications to gas in galaxies by Amr El-Zant (Slides)
Plasma regimes and plasma approximations (I) by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Plasma regimes and plasma approximations (II) by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Group work by EGYPlasma Team (No Slides)

05 Mar 2024: The 5th One Day Plasma Conference
Deposition of metalic thin films via DC and RF discharges by Sara Mohamed (Slides)
The excited electronic states of ionospheric molecular nitrogen by Cirta Tanssaout (Slides)
Degradation of some bacteria colonies using low temperature plasma by Sama Salah (No Slides)
Solar wind effect on the ionic escaping from Titan ionosphere via plasma wakefield by Nora Elshafey (Slides)
Plasma textile treatment: an introduction by Alaa Alashry (Slides)
Kinetic and fluid simulation of soliton like structures in plasma jets by Aya Albadawy (Slides)
Degradation of pharmaceutical materials via low temperature plasma by Yara Saad (Slides)
On the propagation of electrostatic nonlinear 3D ion-acoustic waves in the ionospheric plasma of Venus by Belal Farouk (Slides)
Ion-acoustic waves in magnetized plasma in the ionosphere of Venus: nonlinear phenomena by Aya Elmandoh (Slides)
General discussion by Ibraheem Elkamash (No Slides)
Advice on how to get ready for a fellowship by EGYPlasma Team (No Slides)
The best group works and presentations awards by Waleed Moslem (No Slides)
Finding an idea for your MSc or PhD and writing a research paper by EGYPlasma Team (Slides)


  • For the conference participants: 2 X Best presentation awards: 1000 EGP.
  • For students: 2 X Best problem solving awards: 750 EGP.

Feedback of the students

Anonymous says
The lectures provided valuable insights, yet they proved insufficient for acquiring a comprehensive understanding of plasma physics. I propose implementing a structured roadmap at the conclusion of the academic program, guiding students on a path to further explore and delve deeper into this complex discipline. Presently, I find myself adrift, longing for a clearer direction in my pursuit of knowledge. The inquiries posed by professor Waleed during Monday's sessions seemed futile, as they lacked adequate guidance or elucidation on how to approach and solve them. While I appreciate the emphasis on fostering critical thinking skills, I yearn for more explicit instruction on the methodology of analytical reasoning. Consequently, the exercise of observing others' responses without a firm grasp on the underlying principles feels somewhat pointless.

Anonymous says
A very useful school, full of a lot of information in several fields, and it dealt with plasma in various specializations.They benefited greatly from all the lecturers on a personal level

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كلها كانت كويسة جدا اوووي وكانت بسيطة وبيجاوبوا على الاسألة كلها ماشاء الله

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت مفيدة جدا والدكاترة متعاونين اوى والتنظيم فعلا تحفة ما شاء الله اتحمست اشارك تانى

Anonymous says
I liked how the lectures varied in terms of content and difficulty. The progression was thought through with some lectures building on previous lectures. Dr. Al Kamash's lectures were brilliantly interactive and Dr. Moslem's lecture on Day 2 gave me some confidence regarding my ability to understand plasma basics. I was particularly impressed with Dr. Zahran and Dr. Djebli's lectures as they discussed concepts related to the first principles thinking and philosophy of science, which are very important to venture into science properly. I am also grateful for Dr. Talab sharing her personally and professionally rich experience. I would have appreciated more free time to allow us to review and absorb the topics we were introduced to and/or sharing the slides beforehand.

Anonymous says
the lectures were amazing, and I really liked all the speakers.

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت جميلة جدا والمحاضرين علي علم كبير والمحاضرات كانت مشوقة وممتعة وكان في تفاعل كبير استفدت جدا من المدرسة

Anonymous says
All of the lectures and speakers exceeded my expectations. They were very knowledgeable with deep backgrounds in their specialties. Professor Elkamash stands out as one of the best lecturers, with a great teaching philosophy. He covered various topics and had a profound understanding of physics in general. Professor Mohsen Zahran's lecture was mind-blowing; his connections between ideas about historical milestones in the history of science and his knowledge of science philosophy were fascinating. Meeting Professor Amr El-Zant and finally having the opportunity to contact him directly was one of the most gratifying experiences for me. He is truly a great advisor and taught me a lot of things in the short time I spoke with him. In summary, all of the lecturers were excellent and helpful, facilitating collaboration in different fields related to Plasma Physics and other areas. I aspire to be like them one day.

Anonymous says
محاضرات كانت مفيده جدا وكان بها الكتير من المعلومات الجديده و اكتسبت مهارات. وتعرف علي زمايل كثيره قد يكون بيننا شغل قادم

Mawada Ali, Alexandria University says
جميع المحاضرون كانوا على قدر عظيم من العلم والاخلاق، وجميعهم قاموا بإلقاء المحاضرات وإيصال المحتوى بإبداع حقيقي ينم عن حب وشغف وفهم عميق للعلم الذي يحملونه، مما كان في نظري ملهمًا جدًا ودافعًا لي للاستزادة من العلم وتوسيع مداركي في مجالات عدة. أضيف إلى ذلك ذكرًا خاصًا للدكتور إبراهيم القماش، الذي كان له الأثر الأكبر على تجربتي على المستويين العلمي والشخصي، وكذلك للدكتور مراد دجبلي الذي خضنا معه تجارب عصف ذهني حقيقية بالأسئلة التي كان يطرحها وتوجيهه لعقولنا نحو التفكير بما هو أبعد مما هو أمامنا. المحاضرات كانت جامعة لمواضيع عدة شيقة وبتسلسل منطقي إلى حد كبير. المشكلة الوحيدة التي لاحظتها هي كيفية تقسيم الوقت على المحاضرات، بعض المحاضرات كانت بحاجة الى وقت أكبر مما هو محدد في الجدول. هذه المشكلة سببت استياء للمحاضرين وللطلبة على حد سواء، على سبيل المثال، محاضرة دكتور مراد دجبلي بعنوان on the self-similar approach to solve differential equations كانت شيقة ومحتواها في غاية الأهمية لي شخصيًأ ولعدد من زملائي، ولكن للأسف لم يسمح الوقت باستكمال المحاضرة واضطر المحاضر أن يختتمها قبل منتصف المحتوى المقرر. وكذلك الأمر في محاضرة دكتور إبراهيم القماش بعنوان Rogue waves from optics and oceanography to plasma physics وفي محاضرة الدكتور محسن زهران في اليوم الثاني، كانت في نظري أكثر محاضرة مختلفة من حيث المحتوى وكم وددت أن تستكمَل تمامًا ولكن الوقت لم يسمح بذلك

Moamen Taha, Alexandria University says
المحاضرات ممتازة و تناولت ما الاقسام الرئيسية لعلم البلازما بطريقة مبسطة علي الرغم من ثقل علم المحاضرين مما اتاح لكل الحاضرين علي كل المستويات من طلبة بكالوريوس حتي طلبة الدكتوراة باستيعات اساسيات ذلك العلم. و مما يثير الاعجاب الشديد هو التنوع في انواع المحاضرات من جانب نظري الي جانب عملي الي جانب حسابي الي جانب ليس هو بالبلازما و انما يصب في بوتقته باسهمات واضحة لم يتوان الاساتذة الفضلاء عن توضيحها و توضيح علاقتها بعلم البلازما. و الجدير بالذكر انه بالرغم من ان اساتذتنا علي مستوي علمي متميز - و الذي يظهر بوضوح في تأهيلهم العلمي في جامعات مرموقة او في اسهاماتهم العميقة في علم البلازما- الا انهم علي مستوي عظيم من التواضع في التعامل مع الطلبة و في الاجابة علي اسئلتهم و علي عدم ادخار الوقت او الجهد بوقت المحاضرات او خارجها لتوجيه الطلبة بوضوح الي الخطوات المطلوبة لكل واحد علي حدة ليحقق التميز العلمي له مما يدلل علي الاخلاق الرفيعة التي تمتع بها اساتذتنا و تواضعهم المثير للاعجاب. و علي المستوي الشخصي اتقدم بالشكر الشديد لدكتور ابراهيم القماش و الدكتور عمرو الزنط علي الاجابة علي جميع الاسئلة التي وجهتها اليهم. و شكر خاص للدكتور ابراهيم القماش علي مجهوده الشديد في اعطاء الكثير من المحاضرات تقريبا محاضرة يوميا لتوضيح اساسيات علم البلازما بل و اساسيات علم الفيزياء نفسه او كما سماها خريطة علم الفيزياء ليساعد ابناءه الطلبة علي معرفة موقعهم في العلم و اعادة توجيه بوصلتهم الدراسية.

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت ممتازة وفيها معلومات كتير والمحاضرين جيدين وعلى علم كبير

Anonymous says
Though, I enjoyed Dr. Elqammash, Prof. Djebli, and Prof. Zahran's sessions, and meeting Prof. Mohamed Ismael in person was a highlight, but I was seeking a similar level of satisfaction from their peers.

Anonymous says
د. ابراهيم القماش ما شاء الله بجد كان شرحه تحفه بيلخص ويسهل لنا المعلومه بطريقة حلوة اووى دا بالنسبه للشرح ام بقى على المستوى الشخصى فبجد دكتور طيب جدا وتقريبا مفيش حد متكلمش معاه غير واستفاد جداا د. محمد شهاب كانت محاضراته بسيطه وموضوعها لذيذ وبجد شرحه بسيط وسهل د.وليد مسلم يمكن شرح محاضرة واحدة بس بجد كانت جميلة وفهمتها وهو دكتور بجد عظمة د.عزة بصراحه مشفتش حد زيها قبل كدا ما شاء الله يعنى مهمها قلت فى حقها مش هيكفى د.محمد اسماعيل كانت محاضرته ممتعة جدااا وكلنا اتبسطنا بيها اوووى

Anonymous says
Plasma School is one of the most beautiful schools I have attended. I have met new people and we still keep in touch. I have benefited greatly from the educational experience aspect.

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت رائعة استفدت جدا من المحتوى واتعلمت حاجات كتير والمحاضرين كلهم كانوا متعاونين جدا وبذلوا كل مجهودهم عشان يوصلولنا اكبر قدر من الاستفادة.

Anonymous says
- The lecture was very informative and engaging. I particularly enjoyed dr.azza lecture and the experiment she produced to us to generate plasma. - The lecture sparked my interest in learning more about specifically cosmological plasma. - The Q&A session was very helpful and allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the material

Anonymous says
Excellent The time for me to learn with the best way.

Anonymous says
جميع الدكاتره كان أسلوبهم وشرحهم كويس جدا وكانوا دايما بيحاولوا يسهلوا المعلومه شكرا لجميع الدكاتره وكل الشكر لدكتور ابراهيم القماش

Anonymous says
كل الشكر ايضا ل دكتوره عزة علي البساطه ف توصيل المعلومه لينا ب الشكل ده

Anonymous says
كان الشرح كويس جدا بس حسيت اني مشتته بين المواضيع اللي اتعرضت

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت رائعة وملمة بكل مجالات البلازما وبتفتح الأفق للطلاب انهم يقرروا هيتناولوا انه جزء في خلاص دراستهم القادمة بإذن الله

Anonymous says
I was absolutely honored having met all these amazing professors and not just receive a sliver of their knowledge but also their experiences and their advice whenever I felt that I needed one.

Anonymous says
حقيقي كل الدكاتره كانو حاجه جميله جدا وفادونا فوق ما نتخيل سواء بماده علميه او فكره جديده

Anonymous says
The speakers were wonderful and very helpful. I was honored to see them and talk to them. I will always appreciate the knowledge they provided to us. The lectures were informative and enjoyable as well.

Anonymous says
During my time at Plasma School, I experienced a significant positive change in my academic and personal life. The lectures were truly captivating, covering a wide range of topics and perspectives. Despite the diversity of ideas and groups represented, the coordinator effectively managed to keep us all aligned with the general goal of the program. Plasma School is an exemplary community that brings together students from various universities and backgrounds. The professors who led the program demonstrated genuine humility and treated each student with the utmost respect. They were never hesitant to share their knowledge and provide general assistance to all. Being surrounded by fellow students helped me overcome my shyness and fear of collaboration. It instilled a sense of teamwork and work ethic in me that I had not experienced before. The discussion sessions were always welcoming and spacious enough for everyone to participate and share their thoughts. Overall, Plasma School was a transformative experience for me, and it is indeed one of the strongest communities in our country that fosters a culture of growth and collaboration.

Anonymous says
I found the course to be informative and engaging, and I would like to express my appreciation for the effort put into organizing the event Firstly, I would like to commend the choice of speakers for the course. The speakers were highly knowledgeable and experienced in the field of plasma physics, and their expertise was evident in their presentation. It was clear that they had a deep understanding of the subject matter, and their passion for the topic was contagious. I particularly enjoyed the diverse range of topics covered, which provided a comprehensive overview of plasma physics. Moreover, the lectures were well- structured and delivered in a manner that was easy to follow. The speakers used clear explanations, relevant examples, and visual aids to enhance understanding. The use of interactive elements, such as Q&A sessions and group discussions, also added value to the learning experience. It allowed us to engage with the material and we get to know the participants better during teamwork

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت اكثر من رائعه وكانت مليانه معلومات واستفدت منها ، خصوصا محاضرات دكتور ابراهيم القماش

Anonymous says
Perfect Everything was good and worthy of attention

Anonymous says
I have benefited greatly from them and I hope we will meet at more events

Anonymous says
كانو اكتر من ممتازين و كنت اتمنى لو كان فيه يوم او اتنين كمان نسمع فيهم و نتناقش مع المحاضرين

Anonymous says
جميع المعلمين و المتحدثين على قيمة عالية من العلم و الاحترام و سهولة التواصل

Anonymous says
I appreciate every lecture and the way the speakers explain. I have learned a lot. Thank you.

Anonymous says
The lectures and speakers are very very Excellent

Anonymous says
الحقيقه المحاضرات كانت حلوة جدا وحقيقي الواحد استفاد جدا واساتذتنا غير المستوى العلمي الممتاز مستوى اخلاقي محترم جدا بارك الله فيهم جميعا

Anonymous says
المحاضرين ممتازين وكل محاضر قدم معلومه جديده ودسمه ،ربنا يزيدهم وينفع بيهم يارب. طبعا مشكورين علي نصايحهم الجميله. شكر خاص لدكتور وليد ودكتور القماش.

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت ممتعة جدا وانا شخصيا استفدت منها جدا انا كنت جاي المدرسة معرفش يعني اي بلازما بس دلوقتي عرفت عنها حاجات كتير هستنفيد بيها كمان شوية في فكرة المشروع بتاعي والمحدثين كانوا كويسين جدا كان كل واحد فيهم بيحاول يوصل فكرته زغم الوقت القليل

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت شيقة جدااا و مثمرة و الدكاترة مشكورين بذلوا معانا مجهود كبير

Anonymous says
محاضرات مليئة بالعلم وتوجه الاشخاص وتطلعهم علي مجال البلازما بمختلف تطبيقاته ، ليس فقط مجرد معلومات وحفظ معادلات والمحاضرين اشخاص علي قدر كبير من العلم والاحترام والتواضع ، نستفيد منهم علي المستوي الشخصي قبل العلمي، زادهم الله من علمه ونفعنا بعلمهم العيب البسيط فقط هو ضيق وقت المحاضرة نرجوا زيادة وقت المحاضرة بحيث يشرح المحاضرة بأريحية وبالتالي يفهم الطلاب بشكل افضل واعمق

Anonymous says
هذا العام كانت المدرسة تضم أساتذة من مختلف الجامعات مما أدى الى التنوع المتميز كما التمست من الطلاب الحاضرين اهتمام وحرص مبهج أتمنى الا تنقطع هذه المدرسة ابدا واشكر الاستاذ الدكتور وليد على عمله واسأل الله ان يجعله في ميزان حسناته

Anonymous says
كانت المحاضرات ذات محتوى ممتع ومداخل رائعة للبلازما وتوضح أهمية علم البلازما وتطبيقاته والتي لا يعرف الكثير من الناس قيمته والمحاضرين كانوا ممتازين في الإلقاء وذو حضور قوي وفي ذات الوقت لديهم قدر عالي من التفاهم وترك مساحة للخطأ والنقاش بينهم للوصول للإجابة الصحيحة وفي اعتقادي هذا هو أهم مبدأ للفيزياء وهو الوصول للإجابة الأدق الجزء الغير محبذ قليلا هو الجدول المتعلق بالمواد حيث أن الوقت صغير لكل محاضرة وكذلك الاستراحات توزيعها لم يكن بالجيد كثيرا مما تستهلك الطاقة وتجعل الشخص مشتت وغير قادر على مواكبة جميع المحاضرات خلال اليوم

Anonymous says
كنت مستمتع بكل المحاضرات  د.وليد من افضل الدكاترة الي قابلتهم و كان سبب في اني اعرف احدد هدفي واحل مشكلة التشتت الي كنت فيها د.عزة من اكتر المحاضرات الي كنت مبسوط فيها وكنت حاسس اني موجود فعلا في معمل د. ابراهيم القماش من الدكاترة الي بتعرف توصل المعلومات بطريقه ملخصه وبسيطه د. محمد اسماعيل اسلوبة جميل جدا وممتع وخصوصاً اني كنت مهتم اني اعرف كل معلومه

Anonymous says
جميع المحاضرات مفيده وبها كم جميل من المعلومات المختلفه وجميع الدكاتره والأساتذه متعاونين جدا

Anonymous says
حلوة بس حسيت المحتوى كبير ع سن جامعه نفسه في حاجات مكنتش بفهمها اوي عشان في حاجات مدرسنهاش في الكليات وكده فحسيت في مواضيع صعبة الفهم لكن كل المحاضرتين حلوين جدا ويوصلوا المعلومات بطريقه مبسطه ساعات وحلوة جدا

Anonymous says
معظم المحاضرات كانت مفيدة والمحاضرين كانوا رائعين للغاية

Anonymous says
حقيقي المحاضرات كانت جميله جدا وكان التعلم فيها يناسب جميع الفئات ولكن اكثر محاضرتين فرقوا معايا جدا كانوا محاضرتين دكتوره عزه ودكتور محمد اسماعيل لان فيها جانب تخيلي شويه وهو جانب ال practical وده حقيقي اللي بيوصل المعلومه اسرع وبتكون شيقه اكتر اتمني. اني اجي بقيه السنوات الجايه واهتم بمجال البلازما و اشكر دكتور وليد جدا علي مجهوداته وعلي مدرسه البلازما لان العلم ده بقي موضع اهتمام بالنسبه

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت ممتعه وكلها معلومات جديده و الحمد لله انهيت الكورس بمعلومات مميزه

Anonymous says
كانت ممتعه جدا المحاضرات والشرج كان سهل وبسيط بس فيه المعنى الفيزيائى للبلازما

Anonymous says
The Lectures were very informative and multi-faceted, and the lecturers were very professional and very knowledgeable and understanding of their physical and mathematical professions and expertise; Dr. Ibrahim Elkamash lectures were more on the mathematics practical side in proving and extending the understanding of plasma models, But I enjoyed it very much, Dr. Azza Talab lectures more on the difficult applications of Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Energy, but it was the very reason I had attended the plasma school in the first place, Dr. Waleed Moslem lectures were on the existence of plasma in many different forms, and the different wave formations that appear in plasma, and how some plasma can be quantum, relativistic or non-ideal. The doctor also defined the different plasma regimes and approximations that are needed to simplify the process of calculation of plasma effects. The Conference Day was a very nice experience to end the Plasma School on, as it was more of research work of different expertise trying to reach different solutions to daily life and professional difficulties by plasma applications, which is the main thing required to understand in the Plasma School. The Group Work was the most interactive part of the school, as you join with some of your colleagues from different experiences and physics academic backgrounds; even if some of the challenges were very weird in their approach, but that is in any kind of group work really. Alas, The Plasma School wasn’t just about the course or the lectures, but also the people you met and worked with in the school.

Anonymous says
The lectures were very useful and varied between theoretical and practical, and the style of some of the lecturers was very interesting and enjoyable, but there were some lectures that I was waiting for, and they were two hours, not an hour, like Dr Mourad and Dr Ibrahim

Anonymous says
كانوا المتحدثين علي دراي كامله بالعلم

Anonymous says
كان الجميع بدون استثناء على مستوي رائع جدا

Anonymous says
the lectures and speakers are very good

Anonymous says
Sometimes I don't like these questions, especially with this school. I think I cannot express how wonderful and beautiful the lectures and lecturers are. Anyone interested in science, as well as physics, or plasma in particular, must make every effort to join this school....... Note: All lecturers are creative, each of them has a different skill than the other. I chose the best based on my scientific inclinations. 😍😍😍😍

Anonymous says
حقيقى الدكاتره كانوا اكتر من رائعين ومليئن وكانوا بيساعدوا ويزودوا الطلاب بالمعلومات

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت جيدة من ناحية التنوع للمجالات المختلفة لهذا الفرع من الفيزياء وايضا المحاضرين كانوا علي درجة عالية من النقاش والتفاعل مع المستمعين

Registeration fess

The following fees cover the accommodation and meals during all days of the school.
  • 800 EGP: Egyptian students with scholarship.
  • 3000 EGP: Egyptian students without scholarship.
  • 400 USD: Non-Egyptian students *.
* Can be waived via the ICTP grant, which covers the travel expenses, accommodation, and meals for students from OAE countries.

Important Dates

  • 09 Oct 2023 Application open
  • 23 Dec 2023 Application deadline
  • 02 Jan 2024 Interview
  • 03 Jan 2024 Results
  • 14 Jan 2024 Payment deadline
  • 02 Mar 2024 School starts
  • 05 Mar 2024 School end


  • Shared rooms, in El-Fayroz Resort.
  • Check-in: 02 Mar 2024 from 10:00 AM.
  • Check-out: 06 Mar 2024 before 12:00 AM.

Application steps

  1. Create an account.
  2. Login.
  3. Complete your personal data.
  4. Upload the following documents:
    • Motivation letter.
    • Transcript (online transcript is ok and not necesssary to be a hard copy).
    • University card.
    • Recommendation letter (in English).
  5. Submit the application before the deadline.