5th Plasma Basics Course

03 Aug - 08 Aug 2024



Plasma Basics Course (PBC) is a summer course that introduces a series of lectures on the basics of plasma physics. This course targets the senior BSc and MSc students interested in Plasma Physics. To follow this course, you need to have the basic knowledge of the following subjects: (1) mechanics, (2) electricity, (3) magnetism, and (3) electrodynamics is preferable. The course comes in four full days distributed between 03 Aug 2024 and 08 Aug 2024. This year, the PBC will take place at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Maritime Transport, Port Saied.


Organizing committee


View the TimeTable

03 Aug 2024:
Opening by Organizers (Slides)
Plasma theory by Ibrahem Elkamash (Slides)
Introduction to electromagnetic by Mohsen Zahran (Slides)
Particle model by Ibrahem Elkamash (Slides)
Group work by Plasma Team (No Slides)

04 Aug 2024:
Measurement of plasma current by Azza Talab (No Slides)
Measurement of plasma voltage by Azza Talab (No Slides)
Group work by Azza Talab (No Slides)

05 Aug 2024:
Kinetic model by Ibrahem Elkamash (Slides)
Dusty plasma by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Fluid model by Ibrahem Elkamash (Slides)
Group work by Plasma Team (No Slides)

06 Aug 2024:
Classification of plasma forces and species by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Equilibrium & Stability analysis by Ibrahem Elkamash (Slides)
Linear effects: Electron plasma waves by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Waves: Terminology & Concepts by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
Group work by Plasma Team (No Slides)

07 Aug 2024:
Dispersion & Dispersion relation by Ibrahem Elkamash (Slides)
Group work by Plasma Team (No Slides)
Visiting the meteorological station at the Faculty of Scienc by Port Said University (No Slides)

08 Aug 2024:
Linear effects: Ion plasma waves by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
From nature to plasma physics by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Closing by Plasma Team (No Slides)

Feedback of the students

Anonymous says
It is a wonderful course and is familiar with many fields related to plasma, and the lecturers are more than wonderful and proficient in their fields.

Anonymous says
كورس رائع ومفيد وتعليم بطريقه مختلفه

Anonymous says
Lecture are so beautiful. I learned many topics in a flawless way that made me to think about making master's degree in plasma physics.

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت مليئة بالمعلومات المفيدة و الجديدة و اسلوب المحاضرين في الشرح كان رائع لكن وقت المحاضرة كان ضيق و مش كنا بنعرف نسأل الاسألة اللي في بالنا

Anonymous says
The Lectures were very informative and multi-faceted, and the lecturers were very professional and very knowledgeable and understanding of their physical and mathematical professions and expertise; Dr. Ibrahim Elkamash lectures were more on the mathematics practical side in the basics of the plasma models and the differences between them. His Terminology lectures were, as always, a very good way to connect different sides of my practical and theoretical physical knowledge. Azza Talab lectures were more on the different measurements taken of plasma in some accelerators and how specific every tool has to be with a very high sensitivity, but with very high change in the measured properties due to loss of gas vacuum. Dr. Waleed Moslem lectures were on the existence of plasma in many different forms and the different wave formations that appear in plasma, and how some plasma can be quantum, relativistic, or non-ideal, or how the scale of positive and negative species of particles relative to each other can change the measurements. The Group Work from EGYPlasma is, as always, chaotic but enjoyable and allows different perspectives from different experiences and academic backgrounds.

Anonymous says
الدكاترة كانوا كويسين كشرح وتعامل وكنت مبسوطة اني شاركت في المدرسة ديه واستفدت كتير 💗💗

Anonymous says
They were very useful and organized

Anonymous says
The were very impressive and delivering the information very smoothly

Anonymous says
جيدين جدا و الاستفاده منهم شىء مركد

Anonymous says
All the speakers did their best to share their knowledge and teach us. I benefited a lot from all the lectures, and I don't have any comments about them. In the end, I want to thank Dr. Waleed and Dr. Ibrahim for organizing this school and for their efforts.

Anonymous says
الكورس كان مفيد جداً ومنظم وفي حاجات كتير فهمتها في الكورس مكنتش فاهمها من الكلية

Anonymous says
Lectures are very useful and the way they are presented is interesting and fun and you don't feel any kind of boredom.

Amr Yasser, Mansoura University says
المحاضرات كانت جميله جدا والشرح كان جميل و استفدت كتير

Anonymous says
استفدت من مدرسة البلازما استفاده علمية عظيمة، كان منظم بشكل جيد، و أشير بكل التقدير والامتنان ل الدكاترة علي مجهودهم الرائع في توصيل المعلومة، و اكتسبت الكثير من المهارات العلمية التي ستفيدني علي المدي البعيد بإذن الله

Anonymous says
ماشاءالله يعني حاجه فوق الوصف اصلا بجد

Anonymous says
As someone coming from a rigorous mathematics background, the course provided me with the necessary fundamentals to understand plasma physics and its various models. All thanks and appreciation to the lecturers who made great efforts to convey the course content to students of all levels and backgrounds. Many thanks and deep gratitude to Professor Ibrahim Elkamash for his valuable, fruitful, and enjoyable lectures, made even more so by his humble and cheerful manner. Despite the numerous mathematical questions and discussions that I bombarded him with during and after the lectures, he provided a role model of a scientist and researcher. He received the questions with an open mind, thought about them, and addressed them, even if they were somewhat distant from the typical physical approaches. I would also like to thank Professor Waleed Moslem for his valuable lectures. Although I couldn’t fully understand all the content due to the use of unfamiliar physical terms, his lectures provided me with the essential keys to reading about plasma physics and its various applications. I also appreciate his efforts to maintain the course’s structure and ensure that attendees gained the maximum benefit, both academically and from the personal experiences of the lecturers and speakers. Special thanks to Professor Azza Talaab, who, despite her illness and the extra physical effort she had to exert, inspired me with her determination and dedication to benefit us. I greatly benefited from her lectures in understanding the ideology and thinking methods of experimental physicists in plasma and other fields. As a researcher in pure mathematics, where there is rarely any intersection with experimental physics, her lectures significantly broadened my horizons.

Anonymous says
الدكاتره ربنا يبارك فيهم وينفع بيهم دايما.

Anonymous says
It was better than wonderful and I am very happy to know this information from this course and thanks to the doctors who helped us learn this course

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت جميله جدا فوق الممتاز و الدكاتره كانوا شاطرين جدا جدا

Anonymous says
محاضرات كانت ممتعه ومترتبه صح

Anonymous says
The lectures were informative." The speakers covered the main points adequately." I thought the presentation was well-organized too

Anonymous says
The lectures and the speakers were on point. I have already studied a plasma physics course in college but I still learned a lot and everything was enjoyable as much as they were informative.

Anonymous says
Compact, creative, but we needed more practical sessions

Anonymous says
All leactures were fruiful,full of a lot of knowledge,and new ideas but I hope in the next time the lectures should be more creative full of susbense and fun too. Speakers were very decent,helpful and nice

Anonymous says
حقيقي كان شرحهم أكثر من رائع ربنا يارب ينفع بيهم الناس ويجعلهم خير قدوه

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت عميقة والشرح كان حلووو جدااا

Anonymous says
بالنسبه للمحاضرات ف كانت مليئه بالمعرفه والمعلومات المفيده التي اعطتني خلفيه كبيره عن علم البلازما. انا المتحدثين ف كانوا رائعين بجد واستفدت منهم جدا جدا وشكر خاص لدكتور وليد ودكتور ابراهيم ودكتوره عزه ودكتور اسلام.

Anonymous says
كانت افصل محاضرات و احسن استفادة ما شاء الله

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت رائعة والدكاترا كانوا ممتازين

Anonymous says
الشرح كان رائع والدكاترة بالهم طويل واسلوبهم سلس جدا خصوصا دكتور القماش ودكتور وليد ، وكان باين في عيونهم الشغف الشديد تجاه العلوم اللي بيشرحوها وكان بيبان جدا حبهم للعلم ده في القعدة اللي كنا بنقعدها كل يوم بليل فجزاهم الله عنا كل خير. كنت اتمنى ان يكون في زي سكشن يكون مدته ساعة مثلا نحل في مسائل مع الدكاترة او المعيدين ، لأننا كنا بنتوه شوية أثناء حل الأسئلة وأخيرا فعلا المدرسة كانت مثمرة جدا وعرفتنا على دكاترة واصدقاء عظماء بجد ولعلنا نلتقي بيهم قريب

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت ممتعه وكمان تفاعلية


  • Physics students in 3rd or 4th level.
  • Nuclear Engineering students in 3rd, 4th or 5th level.
  • MSc and PhD student in Plasma Physics or any discipline related to plasma.

Registeration fees & Scholarships

  • 1000 EGP
  • We will offer accommodation and meals for 40-50 students, who will be selected to attend the course.


  • 13 Apr 2024 Application open
  • 24 May 2024 Application deadline
  • 30 May 2024 Results
  • 03 Aug 2024 Course starts
  • 08 Aug 2024 Course end

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Application steps

  1. Create an account.
  2. Login.
  3. Complete your personal data.
  4. Upload the following documents:
    • Motivation letter.
    • Transcript (online transcript is ok and not necesssary to be a hard copy).
    • University card.
  5. Submit the application before the deadline.