8th Plasma School 2023

04 - 07 March 2023
Feature Group Feature



Spring Plasma School at Port Said (EGYPlasma School) is an annual event that targets BSc and MSc students who are interested in or studying plasma physics and plasma applications. Even though all the school material and slides are in English, the lectures are in Arabic. EGYPlasma School is a week of lectures, hands-on computational tutorials, and problem-solving in plasma physics. Moreover, the participants can discover such a fantastic city –Port Said that overlooks Suez Canal and the Mediterranean sea. Participants and speakers are staying in the same resort; thus, the students have an excellent opportunity to ask and discuss the speakers about useful stuff, e.g., academic career, publication, study abroad, and seeking advice for the next step. If you are eligible, don’t miss such an opportunity, and apply before the deadline, 23 Dec 2022 at 23:59:59.

One day conference

The last day of the school is a one day conference, in which MSc students, Ph.D. candidates, and postdocs can present their work. An excellent opportunity to have feedback from attendance on your work. Even though it is a low-stress conference, a contribution certificate will be issued. Attending only the conference is possible if you will give a presentation.

Poster in Arabic

Click to view the Poster


  • Basics of Plasma physics.
  • Space Plasma.
  • Plasma-Pulse Geo-Drilling.
  • Experimental Plasma.
  • Plasma Etching.
  • Plasma Approximation.


  • Physics students, and Engineering students, e.g., nuclear, electrical, or any plasma-related field.
  • 3rd level or above. However, 2nd level students can apply depending on the studied courses.
  • MSc and PhD researcher in Plasma Physics or any discipline related to plasma.
  • Plasma school alumni can attend, but as a self-fund.


Organizing committee


View the TimeTable

04 Mar 2023: Opening and Introduction
Opening by Waleed Moslem (No Slides)
Introduction to plasma physics by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
Ice breaking by EGYPlasma Team (No Slides)

05 Mar 2023: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics & Plasma Applications
Observation of electrostatic waves in plasma by Mahmoud Afify (Slides)
Plasma models by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
Plasma Drilling (Introduction and Modeling) by Mohamed Ezzat (Slides)
Plasma for surface functionalization by Shrouk Elashry (Slides)
Introduction to technical plasma (theoretical side) by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Surface waves and quantum plasma by Bahaa Mohamed (Slides)
Plasma in life by Azza Talab (Slides)
Group work by Azza Talab (No Slides)

06 Mar 2023: Fundamentals of Plasma Physics & Plasma Applications
Introduction to technical plasma (experimental side) by Mohamed Shihab (Slides)
Plasma Drilling (PPGD) under High Pressure and Temperature by Mohamed Ezzat (Slides)
Wave packet and dispersion by Ibraheem Elkamash (Slides)
Planetary space plasma by Samy Salem (Slides)
Plasma regimes and plasma approximations (I) by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Galaxy formation in a cosmological context by Amr El-Zant (Slides)
Group work by EGYPlasma Team (No Slides)

07 Mar 2023: The 5th One Day Plasma Conference
Plasma regimes and plasma approximations (II) by Waleed Moslem (Slides)
Linear analysis of electrostatic waves in the Earth's magnetopause by Atef Bassyouni (Slides)
Microwave plasma-induced changes in optical properties of PVA films by Huda Yakout (No Slides)
Observational study of double layers in Mars by Eslam Sultan (No Slides)
Detection of Magnetosonic waves in Mars by Ahmed Abdelkader (Slides)
On the study of wave-particle interaction effects in opposite polarity dusty plasmas discharge by Gehad Hany (Slides)
Dynamical properties of DAWs in space plasma and its application in image encryption by Ahmed Wagdy (Slides)
Non neutral plasma discharges (existence of soliton structures) by Aya Elbadawy (Slides)
The effect of plasma on water microorganisms by Samaa Salah (Slides)
Plasma electrical models and water disteralization by Yara Saad (Slides)
Potentials of a moving test charge during the solar wind interaction with dusty magnetosphere of Jupiter by Khaled Elzend (No Slides)
Effect of electrostatic waves instability in the Plasma at Venus ionosphere by Ahmed Gomaa (No Slides)
How to prepare yourself for a fellowship by EGYPlasma Team (No Slides)
The best group works and presentations awards by EGYPlasma group (No Slides)
How to think an idea for your MSc & PhD and how to write a research paper by EGYPlasma Team (Slides)


  • For the conference participants: 2 X Best presentation awards: 1000 EGP.
  • For students: 2 X Best problem solving awards: 750 EGP.

Feedback of the students

Anonymous says
All the lectures were presented in a clear and easy-to-understand manner, but I hope to increase the applied plasma lectures

Anonymous says
كانت المحاضرات رائعة جدا ومميزه حيث انها قامت بتغطية جوانب عديده في هذا الفرع من الفيزياء وكان جميع المحاضرين متميزين في الالقاء بشكل خاص ,حيث يتميز كل محاضر بطريقه مميزه لجذب انتباه المستمعين بطريقته الخاصة وكانت الطريقة الاكثر جذبا لي هي طريقه المناقشة التي اتبعتها الأستاذة الدكتورة عزه التي كانت تعتمد علي المشاركة بين الاستاذ والطالب وكانت من اكثر المحاضرات التي جعلتني مستمتع خلالها ولم اشعر بالملل لحظه .واتمني ان تكون معظم المحاضرات علي هذه الطريقة وليس كلها بالطبع لأسباب متعددة

Anonymous says
على رغم ان المدرسه ايام معدودة بس المحاضرين كلهم قدروا يفيدونا بقد من المعلومات النظرية والعمليه عن البلازما ومش بس كده كان يوضحوا لينا نقاط البحث الي شغاله ف المجال حاليا وحقيقي كل المحاضرين كان شرحهم شيق جدا غير group activities الي كان حريص على ان الاستفاده مش بس علميه لا وكمان ان نعمل شبكه علاقات مع الى حوالينا والواحد استفاد اوي بالإضافة لنقاشات المفتوحة مع الدكاترة بعد المحاضرات على مدار اليوم الواحد كان بيستفاد من خبرتهم جدا وكانوا مرحبين بأسئلتنا كلها

Anonymous says
كانت أكثر من رائعة، لو أمكن التنسيق في اعداد المحتوى للوصول لمزيد من الترابط وتناسق الافكار هيبقى افضل

Anonymous says
The lectures and speakers were very helpful and did an excellent job of introducing the fundamentals of plasma physics. I'm grateful for their efforts in building a scientific community.

Anonymous says
البلازما كومينتى هو اكتر كومينتى عزيز على قلبى وهو يعتبر اكتر مكان صحى بعيد عن الواقع ال toxic اللى كلنا بناعنى منه فى حياتنا شكرا لدكتور وليد وربنا يجزيه كله خير انه قدر يخلق مناخ حلو ذذى ده مش موجود فى مصر والشرق والاوسط

Anonymous says
يمكن ماكنتش قادرة أستوعب كل حاجة وعلى مدار الأيام.. لكن على الأقل عرفت عناوين ممكن تساعدني بعد كدا أدور وأبحث. يعني ممكن نقول الزقة اللي بتعمل البداية.. أنا عارفة إن الكم دا صعب يتشرح في ساعة.. لكن كان ممكن السلايدز تتحضر على أساس أهم الأشياء اللي ممكن تتقال بخصوص الموضوع في ساعة بحيث تتفهم كلها حتى لومش كم كبير ومايضطرش الدكتور يسرع وتيرته يمكن دي كانت مشكلة عندي.. ممكن كمان الأسئلة تبقى في الآخر زي ما حصل يوم المؤتمر بحيث اللي بيشرح مايفقدش تركيزه على مدار الشرح وفي نفس الوقت اللي بيسمعوا يفضل ذهنهم في مكان واحد. وبس كدا بس حابة أقول إن فعلًا كنت سعيدة بالكم دا ومجهود محترم بشكركم عليه جدًا

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت جميله جدا ومفيده ومقدمه حلوه قويه لاي حد لسه بادئ في دراسه علم البلازما ومحتاج أنه يطور فيها من نفسه وكل دكتور قدر أنه يشرح ويبسط المعلومه بطريقته والمحاضرات كانت ملمه بكل حاجه فعلا اتمنى تفضل مستمره

Anonymous says
ما شاء الله كل دكتور قدرنا نستفيد منه بمعلومه جديده.

Anonymous says
كانت محاضرات جيده تتحدث بشكل عام عن الموضوع لمحاولة الإلمام به و حصلت على الكثير من المعلومات حول البلازما و فوائدها و اتمني تطبيق فوائدها في مصر ان شاء الله

Anonymous says
المحاضرات أكثر من رائعة الحقيقة .. و المحاضرين علي درجة عالية من الضمير و إتقان المادة العلمية و قدرة رائعة علي نقلها للطالب .... و لكن عندي بعض الملاحظات في ترتيب المحاضرات اللي تم تدريسها .. أعتقد كان يبقي أفضل لو كل المحاضرين كانوا علي إطلاع بالمادة المقدمة من كل واحد فيهم .. بحيث مفيش محاضر يكرر معلومة قالها محاضر آخر .. و كمان مفيش محاضر يقول معلومة سابقة لمعلومة أخري يلقيها زميل آخر .. و أعتقد أيضا إنه ممكن يكون الأفضل إنه نبدأ بالأساسيات كلها زي محاضرات (دكتور القماش و دكتور وليد و دكتور محمود عفيفي) و بعدها ندخل علي التطبيقات .. كمان يفضل إنه أثناء المحاضرات يتم التنويه علي الطلاب بأخذ الملاحظات فقط و ترك ربع ساعة للأسئلة عقب كل محاضرة و باقي الأسئلة يتم مناقشتها في الخارج بعد إنتهاء اليوم .. و كمان يتم التنبيه علي عدم التحدث أثناء المحاضرة عشان التركيز في المادة العلمية .. و شكرا جزيلاً

Anonymous says
أجمل حاجة في الاسكول هو الوقت الكبير اللي بنقضيه مع الدكاترة ونعرف نسأل في كل اللي نفسنا فيه ونهدّي من التشتت اللي جوانا ونستفيد من خبراتهم 💙وأكتر شيء كان مريح في التعامل اننا كنا بنحس انهم فعلا حابين يساعدونا فحقيقي ربنا يزيدهم علم ويبارك ويجازيهم عنا كل خير 💙 ميزة الاسكول عن كورس البلازما كمان انها بتدينا فرصة نشوف المجال ما بعد الاربع سنين في الكلية بقا بيكون عامل ازاي لكن لو امكن نقلل الكم ويبقى فيه فواصل أكتر بين المحاضرات عشان نقدر نستوعب بأكبر قدر ممكن 💙

Anonymous says
المحاضرات جميله و الدكاتره متعاونين وبساعدونا وشرحهم حلو وبيقبلوا كل الاسئله

Anonymous says
الصراحة كل الي اتكلموا كانوا مفيدين جدا وكان في تنوع جميل بيكمل بعضه وكل دكتور كان ليه اسلوبه الخاص بس كان عندي تعليق ان في بعض الاحيان الدكاترة مكانوش منسقين او عارفين ايه الي اتشرح بالظبط وكان في اعادات لاجزاء اتشرحت كانت حاجة بتمل الي بيسمع مع ان المحاضرات كانت ممتعة جدا جدا وغير كدا التنسيق في الشرح بحيث ان المعلومات تكون مستمرة وناخد اكبر قدر من المعلومات وشكرا جدا ليكم على المدرسة الرائعة دي واتمنى متكونش دي النهاية ويكون ليكم انشطة تانية غيرها اقدر اشارك فيها.

Anonymous says
جميع الدكاترة بلا استثناء شرحهم جميل جدا واستفادت منهم حاجات كتير بالرغم من ان دي كانت أول مرة أدرس فيها بلازما ولكن اخدت عنها فكره عامه وشامله اهم مواضيع في البلازما ف بجد شكرا جدا لجميع المحاضرين 🤍

Anonymous says
All speakers and lectures are good

Anonymous says
everything is good with the lectures and the speakers

Anonymous says
The lectures were comprehensive and provided a wide background of plasma but we were needing a break between lectures for 5 mins or 10 mins even if we would do an activity that helps us to restore our focus. The group work was very wonderful and gave us a chance to know more about each other and train to work in a group. I suggest that the first lecture is an overview of what will explain. Finally, this school exceeded my expectations and was great. Thank you for your efforts.

Anonymous says
The school was very interesting, all lectures and speakers was very helpful.

Anonymous says
i found some lectures to be advanced, had problem under standing them , since this was my first time to learn about plasma , while other lectures were easy with useful information. over all great experiance.

Anonymous says
for the lectures, I see that they were generally useful and of a strong scientific nature. There were lectures that were characterized by their simplicity in information at the same time their importance, and there were lectures that were very deep in scientific content, as I had difficulty understanding them. I did not find many common links between plasma and physics directly, except for the section of electromagnetism, and I hope in the coming times that a preliminary lecture will be devoted to remind the students and presenting simplified information about the physical concepts that will be dealt with in the upcoming lectures (Dr. Ibrahim’s lecture about terminology was distinguished. Next time present it first with some information about electromagnetism) As for the speakers, I would like to praise Dr. Ibrahim, Dr. Azza, Dr. Samy and Mr. Ahmed Abd elkader for their excellence way in presenting their lectures and delivering information in an understandable, simple and scientific manner.

Anonymous says
They did really exceed my expectations, Every Lecturer had a unique way of discussing the given ideas in a way that helped change the perspective of understanding many things, also how it was scheduled to vary between activities and lectures, All appreciated.

Anonymous says
they were totally great especially Dr.waleed moslem,dr ibrahim elkamash and dr. Azza

Anonymous says
The lectures were advanced. I haven't enrolled in a plasma course at university, I guess that's the reason why I feel this way. The lecturers were very professional and I have really benefited from this experience, even though I haven't understood much of it.

Anonymous says
A nice exposure to modern plasma physics research and fundamentals from an expert perspective.

Anonymous says
المحاضرين ومحاضرتهم كانت مغطية معظم اساسيات البلازما واهميتها فى بعض نواحى الحياة وبالنسبة للمتحدثين كانوا جيدين وعرضوا بعض استخدامات البلازما فى تطبيقات الحياة

Anonymous says
كانت محاضرات مفيدة خاصة انها تعتبر لطلبى اغلبهم مبتدئين

Anonymous says
من اجمل المحاضرات بالنسبة لي كانت محاضرة الحفر بالبلازما plasma drilling ومحاضرة البلازما في الحياة لدكتورة عزة طالب والافتتاحية بتاعة دكتور وليد مسلم والشرح المبسط جداً من دكتور ابراهيم القماش والتواضع الشديد من دكتور محمد شهاب ـ المحاضرات كانت مليئة جداً بالمعلومات القيمة ومكثفة جداً وفي رأيي الشخصي المتواضع التطبيقات العملية والتكنولوجية للبلازما تجعل المتابع للمحاضرات اكثر مقدرةً على المتابعة واكثر فهماُ للموضوع لان الموضوع يكون متعلق بتطبيق ملموس وسهل نسبياً مقارنة بالجزء النظري فلو حصل تقديم وتأخير للتطبيقات على الجزء النظري يجعل هنالك بعضاً من التشويق للمتابعة وثبر اغوار هذه التطبيقات

Anonymous says
The lectures were very useful and helped me learn more about plasma,

Anonymous says
اكثر من رائعة و لقد اكتسبت الكثير من المعلومات المفيده و اوضحت لي معلومات اكثر عن البلازما لاني كنت اعتقد ان البلازما ف الفضاء و الدم فقط و من الرائع ترك المجال للاسئلة و النقاش و كسر حاجز الخوف

Anonymous says
المدرسه كانت مفيده جدا اتعلمت منها حجات كتير واستفدت منها وبجد الدكاتره كلهم كانو helpful وحابين يعلمونا كل الي يعرفوه 💗

Anonymous says
كانت المحاضرات رائعة كانوا عباره عن ١٣ محاضره من حيث مقدمة عن المدرسة وتطورها من اول سنة لغايه السنه الثامنه ومقدمة عن البلازما كانت شرح دكتور ابراهيم كان شرح جميل ومبسط وعرفت بعض المصطلحات زي الفرق بين theory and the modelوكان شرح جميع الدكاتره جميل جدا وملم بمجالات التي استخدمنا فيها البلازما وكمان كان الدكاتره الحاضرين كانوا يتناقشون والطلبة الي كانت بتسال بيساعد علي ثبات المعلومه ومناقشة الدكاتره الي بتحسسك انك في مؤتمر علمي شي جيد انه حدث زي ده يحدث في مصر ومبالغ ليست فائقه وتقديم الطلاب الخريجين مشاريع التخرج كان امر جيد في معرفة ازاي نبحث في ان يكون المشروع الي حد ما مكتمل وان يكون في كمان مجال في تقديم الحصول علي منح كانت تجربة جيده واتمني تكون مش الاخيره

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت أكثر من رائعة حقيقي علي الرغم من أن بها الكثير من المعلومات ولكن استفدت منها كثيرا ولكن العيب بها فقط انها مليئ الي حد ما ولكن غير ذلك فهي رائعة وكل دكتور واستاذ فاضل استفدت منه كثيرا وحقيقي له جزيل الشكر والتقدير

Anonymous says
lectures were very interesting speakers choose a wide range of plasma topics to open our minds to different kinds of plasma for speakers were excellent when they explain I felt they give all that they can give from knowledge experience and motivation. I felt truly happy

Anonymous says
Excellent excellent excellent excellent excellent

Anonymous says
استفدت وقدرت افهم الابلكيشن اكتر عن plasma من خلال تخصص كل دكتور

Anonymous says
The lectures and speakers were excellent. They were all knowledgeable and engaging, and they presented the material in a clear and accessible way. I learned a lot from them and felt inspired by their insights and ideas.

Anonymous says
The school itself has this nice combination of both education and entertainment, As for myself I learned a bit about plasma physics which I did not get the right exposure to as a student, so it really helped building this background of a new science in a really simplified way, It also shows its applications on other fields of science such as the space physics and cosmology. One of the speakers was Dr. Ibrahim El-Kamash, he had this unique way of teaching that captures your attention throughout the lecture, And also Dr. Samy Salem who was not just a very good lecturer but also amused us with his talent of playing the violin as he played the famous Four seasons piece by Vivaldi. in the school I found the proper guidance and help for my graduation project, which is primarily a part of the school's message, to provide the help a student needs, I will not forget the kind words that Dr. Mohammed Ezzat told me " we are all gathered here to help you", for me those words made me feel very happy to be in a place with such an environment that pushes one's forward. I advised people who I know and was hesitant to apply for the school to take this step, as the school was very helpful.

Anonymous says
My opinion, there is very good lectures and very useful and match the attendance in different level of education in masters and PhD and undergraduate students

Anonymous says
The lectures were varied and the content was precious, and the lecturers had an excellent way of explaining the content

Anonymous says
The lectures were so informative and unique. Throughout the school the lectures and the speakers were very good and added lots to our knowledge.

Anonymous says
As for me, i really loved how the topics were introduced, and how it was explained through a practical approach that incorporates various learning techniques. Pursuing college in this field helped us in our academic level and my time management skills. This lectures ultimately assist me in developing my problem-solving skills accordingly studying something simulating and challenging. The advanced topics help us in learning at a rate that exceeds that of our peers in one or more content areas. The learning of these topics also falls outside the need-spectrum of the majority of my peers. But personally, i see that we will learn more when there is a through integration between the academic content and the real life application. With this in mind, most of the lectures contain just a bunch of interesting information, but no application, as we cannot apply that by our hands. In contrast Dr. Azza's lecture was truly astonishing. She successfully conduct the session make us focus was her over the two hours. With a real life application at the end of the lecture. Not only that, but she also relate how we could solve our daily life problems by plasma concept. The group work at the end of her session was the best 'cause it helped us apply what we learn beside solving some dilemmas. Also, Dr Ibrahim Elkamash powerfully classified the plasma models into combinations to be easily understood. In the light of this, i have come to say that it was the best community that i have ever been through, this program built a bond between us which brings community and belonging with this diversity and inclusion with teachers want to teach and students want to learn.

Anonymous says
The lectures and speakers were very useful.

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت جيده جدا والمحتوى أكثر من رائع

Anonymous says
الجانب السلبي المحاضرات جيدة ولكن كنت اتوقع معلومات أكتر عن فيزياء البلازما أكثر من تطبيقاتها وعن الجانب النظري أكثرعدد المحاضرات فى اليوم كثيرر الجانب الايجابي كانت هناك محاضرات ممتازة ولكن كان هناك محاضرات ليست جيدة بالشكل الكافى من المميزات المناقشة مع المحاضرين أتمنى تخصيص وقت للمناقشة

Anonymous says
المحاضرات و المحاضرون كانوا جيدين جدا و متعاونين و تم عرض اكثر من فكرة و اكثر من موضوع

Anonymous says
المحاضرات كانت ممتازه جدا والمتحدثين علي قدر عالي من العلم وقدرنا نستفاد كتير علي الرغم من ضيق الوقت

Anonymous says
Most of the lecturers were amazing each of them had a unique way of presenting the topics even the lecturers whose presentation skills weren't the best their knowledge and academic value were present through the topics they chose. The speakers were quite good and the way they presented made most of the audience mesmerized and the topics were interesting

Anonymous says
The lectures are very useful and The speakers are very helpful.

Anonymous says
كانت الاستفاده من المدرسه كبيره سواء من محتوي المحاضرات وشرح الدكاتره او من نصايح وخبرات الدكاتره الكبيره وايضا التعارف زمايل من محافظات وبلاد مختلفه

Anonymous says
The lectures covered the material clearly and understandably and were at the level of an undergraduate student. I have one comment on the lectures; there was a lack of astrophysics and cosmology lectures although Plasma Physics plays a role in these fields.

Anonymous says
The lectures are interesting and the lecturers are good, but it is preferable to extend the lecture period

Anonymous says
كانت منظمه ومفيده في فهم الفيزياء وبخاصه الفيزياء النظريه

Registeration fess

The following fees cover the accommodation and meals during all days of the school.
  • 500 EGP: Egyptian students with scholarship.
  • 1800 EGP: Egyptian students without scholarship.
  • 400 USD: Non-Egyptian students *.
* Can be waived via the ICTP grant, which covers the travel expenses, accommodation, and meals for students from OAE countries.

Important Dates

  • 08 Sep 2022 Application open
  • 23 Dec 2022 Application deadline
  • 02 Jan 2023 Interview
  • 03 Jan 2023 Results
  • 12 Jan 2023 Payment deadline
  • 04 Mar 2023 School starts
  • 07 Mar 2023 School end


  • Shared rooms, in El-Fayroz Resort.
  • Check-in: 04 Mar 2023 from 10:00 AM.
  • Check-out: 08 Mar 2023 before 12:00 AM.

Application steps

  1. Create an account.
  2. Login.
  3. Complete your personal data.
  4. Upload the following documents:
    • Motivation letter.
    • Transcript (online transcript is ok and not necesssary to be a hard copy).
    • University card.
    • Recommendation letter (in English).
  5. Submit the application before the deadline.